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Gießen is a German university town, not far from Frankfurt am Main.


I conducted the project there at Cafe Amelie. The cafe serves delicious coffee and cakes, but it is also a hub for activism and solidarity. The cooperative was launched in 2007 and their doors are open to anyone who wishes to engage in social and political topics.


I felt this was an appropriate place to engage with young, energetic, intelligent people.


Although I did not record as many people as other cities I visited, we spent lots of time in discussion - about love and what it means within solidarity movements.

You can learn more about Cafe Amelie here.

Click here to see the full HESSEN video.


The I Love You Project c/o LiTE-HAUS Mareschstr. 4 Berlin, Germany 12055. Email TEL: +49-030-658-36910


© Copyright 2023 All images on this website are the sole property of either Debbie Davies or Julius Schön. Any usage by others is unlawful.The I Love You Project® is a registered trademark of Ad Finem Inc. Logo by Sidra Rizwan. WebDesign by Debbie Davies. Music by Julius Schön & Devan Davies.

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